Spore Patch 1.05.0001

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Spore Hungary szerver





A fájl letöltéséhez kattints a fenti ikonra, vagy ikonok egyikére!

Előfordulhat, hogy a szerver gombjára kattintva némi időbe telik, míg bejön a letöltőablak! Kis türelem, és el fog indulni!

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Kategória: Spore >> Patch >>
Verzió: 1.05.0001
Értékelés: még nincs értékelve
Dátum: 2010-11-02
Letöltések száma: 5259
Megtekintve: 19332 alkalommal


A letöltött fájl megnyitásával telepítheted.


Leírás: Fordítás folyamatban!

Visszamenőleg tartalmazza az összes patch-et!!
  • Asymmetry is now available for creatures! Details on new Asymmetry features for Creatures and Vehicles can be found here.
  • This patch fixes several crashes in Space Game.
  • Many tuning improvements to Space Game, including reduced disaster rates at all levels of difficulty, adjustments to Hard *Mode, increased limits on concurrent trade routes, as well as changes to tool unlocks for the Knights.
  • Creator Lineage appears correctly for all creation types shared after this patch is installed.
  • Cheat is included that permits Creators to export creatures in Collada format for use in Maya. Creators must acknowledge and accept a Tools EULA to perform this operation. An additional cheat has been provided to enable highest quality textures to appear on vehicles, where it is supported by user hardware.
  • Fixed a problem where creations would go missing if a user quits the game in any way while downloads are in progress.
  • Fixed a bug where achievements were disappearing.
  • Fixed a bug where some Sporepedia cards had corrupted backgrounds.
  • Fixed a problem in Space where some Grox planets were unreachable.
  • YouTube movies now publish as public
  • Improves Strike ability functionality. If a strike part is placed at the end of a creature's tail, they will whip around instead of just flapping the part. Also, if a Strike part is placed on the head or "under" the mouth part (between the mouth and the head), the creature will head-butt instead of flapping the part.
  • Összeomlott a játék ha épület szerkesztőben egy tárgy mozgatása közben Ctrl vagy Shift billentyűt nyomtunk.

Galactic Adventures Improvements

  • This patch must be installed again after installing Galactic Adventures, even if you have installed this patch previously.
  • You can now place the avatar, NPCs, and handheld objects on top of air, land, and sea vehicles in the Adventure Creator. Get more info here.
  • Improvements are made to the Adventure Creator, including right-click camera behavior, and User Interface enhancements.
  • Fixed a problem with gates where open gates were getting the incorrect physics hull.
  • Some customer-reported crashes in Galactic Adventures have been fixed.
  • Tárgyak forgatása víz vagy láva mellet hibásan jeleníti meg lejátszás, tesztelés vagy kalandozások során.
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2008. szeptember 05.


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